Monday, August 10, 2020

A big scare and a weekend full of hard work

Our week started with a big scare in the pasture. I went for a walk with the kids when I saw that this big girl had crossed the creek and was standing on the " wrong " side of the creek by the fence. We went down to see her ans she visited with us. When she decided to cross the water again she got stuck on something. She had found a very old, overgrown fence wire.
Right away she panicked and started pulling on the wire. I called G. to come with the wire cutter and he hurried to come and help her. When she saw him and the big clipper she panicked even more and ran across the creek , pulling on the wire, which was cutting into her leg, until it finally snapped. 
We brought her into the barn, she was bleeding and we knew right away it wasn't good. It was actually worse ... 
The vet came out right away and what we had feared became reality. 
Luna had cut through a tendon on her right hind leg. Tendon injuries have usually a recovery time of over a year. If they recover. 
The vet stitched her up. She is on stall rest for 2 months. She can walk as little as possible, bandages have to be changed every three days. 
It was a shock ... but after some time I was just glad that she was ok, all taken care of and everything else will be figured out along the way. 
She is doing very well so far. Her swelling is gone down a lot. Tonight is her first bandage change. 
Luna hates her legs touched. She just came to us in June after she had been in someones pasture, unhandled for many years ... she is learning to trust but this is a challenge for her ... and us.

This little guy is Mr Jake. 
Mr Jake came to us Friday morning. I went out to feed the chickens and kept hearing a little crow coming from the bushes. There he was...Mr Jake. 
We have no idea where he came from. We checked with the neighbours but noone was missing a little rooster. 
We are assuming that someone hust dropped him off at the end of our driveway ... 
We cought him and put him in a coop with some ladies but he kept escaping. So now he just wanders the property ... shy but always close to the other chickens and food. 

I am falling in lobe with those geese !!! I want more !!! 

Em is turning into a great bird lover as well. She loves her chickens and is always the first one in the coop to check for eggs. 

This weekend was busy. We had a friend out with some heavy equipmemt ... there were so many projects that needed to be done ...
The first one was this old shed that was falling down and a threat to anything that got too close to it ...

Aaaand GONE !!! 

The second, even bigger project was the old manure pit. An old concrete pit that used to be used for cow manure.
We tried to fill it up with jung that we dug up around the property. We never made a dent ...
This weekend it was plowed under and was gone and forgotten by the end of the day 

We gained so much property ... everything looks so big and roomy.

The third project was our outdoor riding arena. A dream of mine ... 
So this overgrown patch of gravel ...

Turned into this beautiful sand arena. We still have to put up the fences around it but it is already beautiful !!! A dream come true !!!

It's been hot still the last week. The nights are getting cooler and once in a while u think u can smell fall in the air ... I love it ... now begins my favourite time of the year 🧡

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh Sis, I'm praying for Luna, how scary. So nice that you are taking care of Mr. Jake. Boo to the person who abandoned him.... That's great that you got all of that outdoor work done...I know how it feels! The days here are still really hot, and the nights are getting cool. I hope Luna is doing okay!
